
Wow, i passed my exam. How lucky am i? I finally passed this exam. Before the day that I received my results. My heart thudded loudly saying that either now you were to pass successfully or failed inevitably. I wandered along the two possibilities while my friends and I were having lunch at Times Square. A mischievious friend of mine even counted the marks exactly for me to pass the exam. They even questioned the possibilities of us passing the exam since most of us attending the dinner were failed in the last semester exam. There was a possibilities that either one of us was to fail the exam.

That night was a sleepless night. My mind bogged with many thoughts of what am I going to do if I failed this test. There were many oblivious things that I came about. Each heightened my heartbeat. My thoughts were incongruous of my body, doing something that not my mind was thinking about. Then, my friends who passed his viva test spoke sth that startled all of us that were at the place. We never thought of a friend of us will not pass the test without going for viva test ( a test for those who are at the proximity to the passing mark 49.5). This scared the hell all out of me. So, I always think that chinese only either pass or get to viva border 49.5. I never came across that chinese can also fail without straight without going viva border. That sounded unbelievable to me.

That day after the night, i had to face the truth though my heart wrenched me not to go for taking look on my result. However, everything was worth it when i found out that I actually passed the exam. God bless...

I talked to myself that I will surely strike for my best when my second year comes. I want to prove that I am capable of doing something greater than what I archieve now. To those of my friends who unable to pass the test and have to take supple test, I sincerely wish that you will pass with flying colors. To my parents and friens who always support me whenever I fall, thanks for not giving me up. Thanks for your love. Thanks for everything.
Copyright © 2013 The End Where I Begin